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Stoborough CE Primary School

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Power of 2


Power of 2 is a maths intervention for key stage 2 pupils. The book is used as a coaching manual which allows our skilled teaching assistants to deliver individual support.  It teaches all the mental maths required by the maths national curriculum, which enables pupils to access the full maths curriculum. Power of 2 is essentially about putting in place the building blocks of number and developing skills with mental calculations. 


  • Mental Maths needed for the maths curriuclum
  • Access to full maths curriculum
  • Building Blocks of number
  • Development of mental calculation skills


Power of 2 begins with teaching number bonds to 10, and then moves on to introducing doubling, halving, addition and subtraction, rounding numbers, multiplying and dividing. It then introduces fractions and looks at worded problems and time. 
