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Stoborough CE Primary School

Love for ourselves, for each other and for the world

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Get in touch

House Captains

Our House Captains


Arne House- Bryony

Creech House- Nieve

Furzebrook House- Daisy

Tynebrook House- Dylan

Messages from our House Captains


"When I was chosen for Arne House Captain I felt very excited and pleased. I like wearing my badge and I am enjoying the role which involves counting up the house points on Tuesdays in preparation to read out during Celebration Worship on Fridays. I hope I can encourage Arne House to do well."

Bryony, Arne House Captain



"I really enjoy being House Captain because I am representing the school and Creech House. I like setting a good example to the other children in the school. I get excited t count up all the house points each week to see who is winning. It is also nice working as a team with the other House Captains."

Nieve, Creech House Captain



"To me being a House Captain is a very important role. It is an amazing opportunity. I am grateful to have been chosen. As House Captain I want to make our house proud as I am in charge of my siblings and other people's siblings."

Daisy, Furzebrook House Captain



"I feel very proud to have been made a House Captain. I am really happy to have been given this opportunity in my last year at Stoborough Primary School. I will do my best to be a kind and approachable House Captain."

Dylan, Tyneham House Captain

