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Stoborough CE Primary School

Love for ourselves, for each other and for the world

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Meet the Governors

The Governing Body have an important and active role at Stoborough Primary School. We aim to ensure all children benefit from the best educational start; supporting and challenging the Headteacher to gain at least good outcomes for all pupils.

We actively monitor progress and attainment, in various aspects of the school and ensure the school budget is spent wisely.

It is a privilege to serve the school and its community.


Stoborough School Governors

Giles Wade:

Chair of Governors 

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 17th September 2020

Term Ends: 17th September 2024

Link Governor for: Design & Technology; Equality Act; Health and Safety; Personal, Social, Health Education; Premises; Policies, Premises and Special Education Needs and Disability Inclusion. 


Jim Cole: 
Vice Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Appointed: 19th November 2020

Term Ends: 19th November 2024

Link Governor : Arts and Culture; Geography; History; & Modern Foreign Languages.


Anne Derrick: 
Staff Governor

Appointed:  2nd September 2020

Term Ends: 1st September 2026


Ian Grocott:

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 3rd May 2023

Term Ends: 2nd May 2027

Link Governor for: Safeguarding


Jemma Murray:


Appointed: 1st September 2020

Link Governor for: Admissions & GDPR - Data Protection


Linda Northover: 

Local Authority Governor

Appointed: 17th September 2020

Term Ends: 17th September 2024

Link Governor for : Early Years Foundation Stage; English; and Maths. 

Naomi Waters 
Foundation Governor

Appointed: 29th January 2024

Term Ends: 28th January 2028


Nathaniel Hobby 
Foundation Governor

Appointed: 25th July 2022

Term Ends: 4th July 2026

Link Governor : Computing & Religious Education, Collective Worship. 


Steve Cranfield 
Parent Governor

Appointed: 23rd September 2021

Term Ends: 22nd September 2025

Link Governor : Finance; Physical Education & Science



Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs Michelle Harrington


Former Members of the Governing Body: 

Canon Simon Everett:

Ex-Officio Governor

Appointed: 11th September 2015

Term End: April 2024


Alice Thewlis  
Foundation Governor

Appointed: 30th November 2023

Term Ends: 26th March 2024 


Debs Barclay

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 1st September 2019

Term Ended: 31st August 2023


Helen Williams

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 23rd September 2021

Resigned: 23rd March 2023


Beccy Spicer

Parent Governor

Appointed: 2nd September 2018

Term Ended: 1st September 2022


Alison Oakes

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 4th February 2019

Term Ended: 7th July 2022


Christopher Hill

Foundation Governor

Appointed: 21st May 2018

Resigned: 23rd September 2021


Claire Hollard

Parent Governor

Appointed: 23rd November 2017

Term Ended: 23rd September 2021
