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Stoborough CE Primary School

Love for ourselves, for each other and for the world

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Get in touch

Ready, Respectful, Safe

At Stoborough CE VA Primary Schools everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. 


Restorative practice is key to our approach and there is an expectation that everyone develops trusting communication with one another. This includes all staff, children, visitors, parents and carers. 


We want our learners to be ready to learn, to be respectful of each other and to feel safe.




We are READY to learn –

We arrive at school on time.

We have the correct uniform and PE kit.

We have our equipment ready.

We show that we are listening and we are ready to try our very best. 





 We listen when others speak- one voice.

 We respect the property of our friends and the school.

 We respect that other people have different ideas, beliefs and backgrounds to our own.

 We respect that people may look different and have different needs but we may all feel the   same emotions.

 We respect the law and the rules of school and society.




 We are SAFE –

 We move around school in a safe manner.

 We have kind hands

 We follow instructions to keep ourselves safe.

 We use equipment safely.

 We stay safe online and make safe choices in our community.  

Each class has a recognition board in their classroom, which aims to reward a collective class target, such as 'ready to learn.' 


We reward behaviour that goes 'above and beyond' in the following ways:

  • Star of the week certificates
  • School values leaf
  • Postcards home

