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Stoborough CE Primary School

Love for ourselves, for each other and for the world

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Get in touch

Governor Vacancies

Stoborough CE Primary School is looking for new Foundation Governors – and we need the skills and experience of people from our community.


Our school vision is ‘We are one family: Love for ourselves, for each other and for the world.' We are a school that believes we have the power to make a difference in God's world. Our governors play a huge part in that. Come and help us make a difference!


School governors are volunteers who work together with the Headteacher to make sure our pupils get the best out of their education and their school, receiving the best opportunities to learn in an environment in which they are safe and feel happy and secure.


Governors cover a huge range of issues, from deciding what kind of school we want to be and thinking about how we want it to get there, to setting school policies and making sure money is spent on the right things.


We are looking for Foundation Governors, who are committed to making sure our children develop both academically and spiritually within a distinctive Christian ethos.


We need enthusiastic individuals from all walks of life that can that bring different skills, experience and perspectives to the table. Governing Bodies that are diverse make the best decisions. And you don’t need to have any previous experience of being a governor. 


Maybe you have experience in finance, IT, building – or any other skill set which would benefit our school team. As a Foundation Governor you are required to have strong links with a church, but you don’t need to have a background in education. 


What do governors do?

Working as part of a governance team, your role would be:

  • to support the school in preserving and developing its Christian ethos
  • to promote the continuous improvement of the school by monitoring and reviewing the school’s policies, targets, performance and strategic direction
  • to oversee the financial performance of the school
  • to support and challenge school leaders.


We can provide you with any training you may need and we really are a welcoming and friendly team.


What is expected of me?
Our Full Governing Body (FGB) usually meet together once or twice a term. Our governing body is made up of different committees that also meet three or four times a year. Our FGB meet in person, at school, during an evening. Committee meetings take place virtually, during the school day. Our committee meetings focus on certain areas (for example, school improvement or finance) and have governors who focus on certain areas of work (for example, Special Educational Needs). You will be invited to carry out school visits if you perform the role of a subject link governor. The amount of hours varies from week to week, but you should expect to spend around 10 days per year on regular duties and you are also invited to join us for celebrations and performances!


What’s in it for me?
You will meet new people, develop skills and learn more about how schools work. Above all, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a real difference to the development of our children, our school and the community.


If you are interested in finding out more about the role of a Foundation Governor at Stoborough CE Primary School, we’d love to hear from you.


Please contact the school office for further information on or ring us on 01929 552974.


We really look forward to hearing from you. 
