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Stoborough CE Primary School

Love for ourselves, for each other and for the world

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Arts and Crafts

Make and play the paper plane game. 

Follow the link here: 

This activity links to DT, maths, art and science.

You can make up lots of games to play with this one!





Make your own tissue box monsters 

Follow the link here: 

Links to DT and art.

When you've made it why not practise number facts or spellings, reading ‘red words’ and feeding the correct answers to the monster!


What to get creative? Make your very own space crayons

Follow the link here: 

This activity links to science and art.

We'd love to see what you draw with them.

This one will test your cutting and folding skills to make your very own folded paper bracelets 

Follow the link here: 

This activity links to art, DT and maths.


Find out about your family history and make your very own thumbprint family tree 

Follow the link here:

This activity links well with history and art. Why not create family trees for famous people e.g. Queen Elizabeth I? 

Create your own nature art bugs 

Follow the link here:

This links with science and art.

Have a look in your garden to see what minibeasts you can find. Then collect some natural materials and see if you can recreate them. You could even take a photo and send it to school. 


Have you got lots of toilet roll tubes at home?

Don't put them in the recycling bin just yet - make yourself a marble run 

Follow the link here:

This is great for testing your DT and maths skills 

