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Stoborough CE Primary School

Love for ourselves, for each other and for the world

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Our pupils reading a selection of the 'celebrating diversity' books bought with the Douglas Stickland Bursary we were awarded. 


We want children to develop a passion for reading that will last a lifetime. Children are encouraged to read for pleasure and to read across the curriculum to support their knowledge and understanding in all core and foundation subjects. Reading lessons are taught consistently as part of the weekly teaching and learning sequence of English lessons so that children are taught the skills necessary for interrogating texts. We dedicate time each day to teach reading:


In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Years 1 and 2, we promote a love of reading by sharing stories on a daily basis. We are committed to doing this all through your child’s Stoborough School journey. Children are encouraged to re-tell familiar stories, rhymes and songs using props, actions and role-play. We develop phonetical awareness using ‘Read, Write Inc.' Weekly guided reading sessions are used to support and develop fluency and comprehension.


In Years 3 to 6, we use a range of approaches including whole class reading and targeted guided reading to enable all children to make progress. Children are introduced to rich and challenging texts. Children complete a range of tasks based on their class text. These tasks focus on specific reading skills such as understanding of vocabulary, inferring, predicting, explaining, retrieving, summarising or sequencing (VIPERS- see below). High quality texts have been carefully selected to enable children to develop their reading skills and encourage reading for pleasure. 


We have a wonderful library that our pupil librarians run, allowing all pupils to select books to read at home. Our pupils are given time to read books of their choosing from our class book corners and school library. We celebrate national events including ‘World Book day’.


We are lucky to have a team of fantastic volunteers who read with children from around the school on a weekly basis. 


Research shows that children who enjoy reading achieve more across the curriculum. Developing a love of reading not only raises attainment, but importantly children benefit from being readers for life. That is why we have carefully selected our texts used across the curriculum to ensure they are high-quality but also inspire a love of reading. 


In his book ‘Reading Reconsidered’, Doug Lemov points out that there are five types of texts that children should have access to in order to successfully navigate reading with confidence. These are complex beyond a lexical level and demand more from the reader than other types of books. Read his blog article here:


We have developed a reading spine and 'must reads' to include these five text types, alongside books that promote diversity and build on the 'cultural capital' our pupils require. 
